Larry and Debby Kline artists and provocateurs – installation, performances, and other works

Call and Response and Response

Call and Response and Response is a project that investigates our collaboration by isolating our individual contributions.  It is also the first in which our collaboration is the dominant subject matter of the artwork.  Each work consists of the CALL statement, and 2 RESPONSE drawings. The “CALL” occurs when one of The Klines asks the other partner to draw “something”.  Once that drawing is finished, the person who issued the CALL creates a second drawing (in RESPONSE to the first drawing).  We alternate who initiates the CALL.  The result of this project reinforces the manner in which we feed off of each other’s ideas.  It also emphasizes the continued spirit of play and the duality that guides many of our projects.


Call and Response and Response 2





From the series, Call and Response and Response, 2014

Call: Think about Papal cloning

Response: Sin Título

And Response:  A Conclave of Popes, A Sea of Bishops

Graphite and carbon on paper

56.25 x 22 x 1.5 inches









Call and Response and Response 1






From the series, Call and Response and Response, 2014

Call: Draw a fan

Response: #1 Fan

And Response:  We Bring Good Things to Life

Graphite on paper

65.25  x  29 x 1.5 inches








Call and Response and Response 4





From the series, Call and Response and Response, 2014

Call: Use a tomato in a drawing

Response: Monsanto Brand

And Response:  Introducing the Fabulous Cherry Tomato Dancers

Graphite on paper

42.25 X 45 x 1.5 inches



Call and Response and Response 3




From the series, Call and Response and Response, 2014

Call: Draw something with three eyes

Response: The 3rd Eye

And Response:  The Whole World is Watching

Graphite and carbon on paper

45 x 29.25 x 1.5 inches




Call and Response and Response 5






From the series, Call and Response and Response, 2014

Call: Draw a bunny

Response: Bunny Holocaust on the Moon

And Response:  The View from Above (Ain’t so Bad)

Graphite on paper

46 x 39 x 1.5 inches











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