Larry and Debby Kline artists and provocateurs – installation, performances, and other works

The Age of Enlightenment
The Age of Enlightenment

The Age of Enlightenment – A large scale installation consisting of a colonnade displaying various themes based on religion and conflict. Each of the eight columns is primarily made using castings from commercially available molds. The juxtaposition and alteration of these molded forms create new meaning and iconography.

My Dinner with the Klines
My Dinner with the Klines

For years, The Klines have engaged in an unusual ritual by making art when dining out. It is one facet of their art that spawned their collaborative ventures. These works capture creativity at its most playful state, resulting in surprisingly complex and impromptu sculptures borne of only the materials at hand.

The Candy Store
The Candy Store

The Candy Store acknowledges the trend toward self-diagnosis and treatment. Due to rising healthcare costs by providing medicinal candy. This starter pack of inconsumable medicinal talismans is a welcome addition to the panoply of healthcare choices and is guaranteed to meet or exceed FDA standards for safety or effectiveness.

Earth Igloo for Jerusalem
Earth Igloo for Jerusalem

    Built atop the Museum on the Seam over the Passover and Easter holidays, Earth Igloo for Jerusalem reflects its surroundings, a dome in a city of domes, and is an ironic mud structure in a future sans ice. The mud is from the region of the Dead Sea, a body of water that [...]

The Game at Hand
The Game at Hand

The Game at Hand addresses America’s current global conflicts, and is a poignant commentary on US involvement in both hot and cold wars in the Middle East. At a distance, this piece appears to be simply a beautifully hand-made chess set. Closer inspection of the set, however, reveals the futility of this game.

Periscopic Tree for Homeland Security
Periscopic Tree for Homeland Security

The Klines captured forty acres on the Bonneville Salt Flats using GPS and Bare Bones (their M1 mobility scooter/tank), and subsequently mined salt on the land formerly held by the BLM. The work responds to the vast mining operations which dominate the landscape in this region. Forty Acres was created during a residency at The Center for Land Use Interpretation’s facilities at Wendover, Utah.